Application process at a glance

1. Check you can apply
Before applying, you need to:
- understand if you are eligible to apply
- understand what type of dispute you have
- understand the resolution methods you can choose from
- read our information on costs
- contact your sporting body to find out whether they recognise the NST in their rules as the dispute resolution body of choice – if not, you and they must agree to bring the matter to us.
You will need this information for the application form.
The application form outlines all the details we need to accept the case, including:
- the parties involved (you, your sporting body, and possibly others)
- the circumstances around the dispute
- any relevant documentation that we require.
For matters that are not anti-doping disputes, you must pay the application fee.
2. Complete the application form
Complete all required fields of the application form, providing as much additional information as possible.
When completing the form please ensure you refer to the application instructions.
You can submit additional information later in the process. However, if you want an expedited dispute resolution process you should include all arguments, evidence and exhibits that you will rely on at the time of application.
3. Pay the application fee
Pay the relevant application fee, based on the type of dispute resolution you are seeking. You can pay for your application using direct deposit or a credit card.
Direct deposit
- BSB: 092-009
- Account number: 114 071
- Your reference number will be < NST24 + your surname or the Sporting Body initials (depending who pays) >(e.g. NST24Smith or NST24ABC).
- Send us evidence of your successful payment. For instance, take a screenshot of the payment confirmation and upload it with your application form.
Credit card
- You can pay by credit card over the phone on (02) 6289 4900 between 9am and 5pm Australian Eastern Standard Time, Monday to Friday.
- Your reference number will be < NST24 + your surname or the Sporting Body initials (depending who pays) >(e.g. NST24Smith or NST24ABC).
- Quote your receipt number when submitting your application.
4. Submit the form
Submit the completed application form, along with any supporting documentation (including financial hardship statutory declaration) to
Include evidence that the NST has jurisdiction to resolve the matter, either:
- a copy of your sporting body rules that refer to/recognise the NST, or
- agreement from all involved parties for the NST to resolve your specific dispute.
File formats
You must submit documents in the following formats:
- PDF format for statutory declarations or affidavits
- Word, RTF or PDF format for all other documents.
You must submit documents without security restrictions.
Cover email
When you email documents to us, your covering email must include:
- your name, address, and telephone number
- an email address to which the Tribunal can send notices or other documentation (if different from the address you are sending from)
- the matter number for the dispute, if the document relates to an existing matter, and you have been given the number.
If you are having trouble submitting documents via email, please contact us.
5. Send copies to all other parties in the dispute
Send a copy of your application and any additional supporting documentation submitted to the NST to all other parties to the dispute. For example, your sporting body, and any other person or body that needs to be a party to the case.
Whenever you lodge a document with us in relation to a dispute, you must also provide the same documents to other parties to the dispute.
6. We validate the application
Once you have submitted your completed application form, our Registry staff will validate the application to make sure it meets all requirements before proceeding.
7. We contact you about next steps
We will contact all parties via email to inform them that the case is proceeding. We will also provide information about next steps and timeframes.
We will contact you if we need you to provide further information.
Contact us if you have any questions about the next steps in the proceedings.
Apply now
Application form